Point Product and Alert Overload

What’s the Solution?

“Point Product and Alert Overload’ takes a critical view of the security industry’s continued failure as data breaches continue at sky high levels. With a plethora of security solutions, why do IT teams feel so ill equipped to tackle the evolving threat landscape? And what will the next generation of security products do to fix the problem?


“We’ve reached a point where the security market it totally over saturated, an issue that is being compounded by a skills shortage. Some organisations are receiving more than 500 SOC alerts a day, and with budget cuts, security professionals are being forced to do more with less resource.” – Richard Walters, CTO, Censornet

This is probably why we hear “Aaaaarrrrrggggh, do NOT bring me yet another console” on a daily basis.

Don’t be satisfied by the status-quo. Let’s find a more intelligent security strategy.

In this e-book discover:

  • The key problem: There are too many security products
  • The impacts of this problem on the effectiveness of security services
  • The ideas that are paving the way for the next generation of security product
  • How “really, truly, fully automated cyber security” might just be about to become a reality and how this is a game changer for the industry.