Customer Stories

Industry leaders Megan Baldwin, haysmacintyre, and Lee Puttock, Menzies, share their experiences and strategies for safeguarding digital operations.
Navigating Cybersecurity with Tech, Trust, and Transparency
Megan Baldwin, haysmacintyre, explores the transformative power of understanding user behavior in shaping data security. Discover the delicate balance of ensuring robust cybersecurity while championing privacy and trust.
Tackling Cyber Threats with Motorbike Resilience
Join Lee Puttock, Menzies, to discover how the world of motorbike safety intersects with IT security, offering valuable lessons in risk management. Dive into the specific challenges an accountancy firm faces in cybersecurity, from phishing threats to vendor dynamics.
Countering Cyber Risk in Accountancies
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Stop attacks the smart way.

Total visibility. Seamless authentication. Powerful intelligence
Total data security with integrated email, web and cloud security alongside powerful identity and context.